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Chemical and Process Engineering

Recommended curriculum of the PhD study programme

Information about study plan

Subjects are selected by the student in cooperation with the supervisor and the resulting study plan is always subject to approval by the subject council. If the supervisor and the council council agree, the student may also choose subjects outside the list below.


Compulsory elective courses are divided into two groups (modules). In the first group, also called "module A", there are subjects specific to the programme being studied. In the second group, also called 'module B', there are specialist subjects that broaden knowledge in areas complementary to the programme studied.


Minimum amount of compulsory-elective subjects selected by student: 4 (module A + module B).


Recommended programme subjects 1
Minimum amount of subjects: 1
Code Subject Title L/Ex/Lab
AP409001 Mass Transport Processes 3 / - / -
AP409002 Engineering Kinetics and Heterogeneous Reactors 3 / - / -
AP409003 Bioreactors 3 / - / -
AP409004 Process and System Engineering 3 / - / -
AP409005 Dynamics of Nonlinear Chemico-Physical Processes - from Oscillations to Patterns 3 / - / -
AP409006 Engineering of Polymeration Reactors 3 / - / -
AP409007 Bubbles, drops and particles 3 / - / -
AP409008 Aerosol engineering 3 / - / -
AP409009 Applied fluid mechanics 3 / - / -
AP409011 Advanced programming and technologies of programming 3 / - / -
AP409012 Particle Technology 3 / - / -
AP409013 Hydrodynamics of multiphase reactors 3 / - / -
Recommended programme subjects
Code Subject Title L/Ex/Lab
AP105001 Electrochemical Engineering 3 / - / -
AP105002 Reactivity and Structure Characteristics of Solid Materials 3 / - / -
AP105012 Inorganic Technology for PhD Students 3 / - / -
AP108002 X-ray Powder Diffraction 3 / - / -
AP111002 Texture Properties of Porous Media (Solids) 3 / - / -
AP111003 Disordered materials: Microstructure and transport properties 3 / - / -
AP111004 Unit Operations of Solid Dosage Form Manufacturing 3 / - / -
AP111005 Reactor Engineering 3 / - / -
AP111006 Organic Technology for PhD students 3 / - / -
AP111007 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms 3 / - / -
AP319001 Bioengineering 3 / - / -
AP320001 General Microbiology 3 / - / -
AP320005 Biophysical chemistry 3 / - / -
AP320006 Imunochemistry 3 / - / -
AP320007 Advanced imaging techniques 3 / - / -
AP320009 Biochemical Methods 3 / - / -
AP320013 Industrial Microbiology 3 / - / -
AP402002 Chemometrics 2 / 1 / -
AP402017 Molecular Engineering 3 / - / -
AP403001 Molecular Modelling and Simulation 2 / 1 / -
AP403003 Estimation of Physico-chemical Properties from Molecular Structures 2 / 1 / -
AP403006 Colloid and Surface Chemistry 2 / 1 / -
AP403017 Advanced methods for characterization of solids 2 / 1 / -
AP403018 Vibrational Spectroscopy 2 / 1 / -
AP413001 Graph Theory and Applications 3 / - / -
AP413003 Numerical Methods for Engineering 3 / - / -
AP413004 Deterministic and stochastic discrete systems 3 / - / -
AP413005 Numerical methods of Analysis of Non-linear Dynamical Models 3 / - / -
AP413006 Non-linear Optimalization 3 / - / -
AP413007 Dynamical Systems 3 / - / -
AP444004 Chemical Sensors 3 / - / -
AP444005 Software Tools for Measurement and Control 3 / - / -
AP444009 Advanced Measurement Methods in Experimental Physics and Chemistry 3 / - / -

More information

Subjects of transferable competences and other courses and seminars

Optional subjects, seminars and courses taught at the school-wide level providing skills beyond a narrow professional focus. More information at phd.vscht.cz

Updated: 25.3.2022 18:15, Author: Jan Kříž

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Information provided by the Faculty of Chemical Engineering. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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