- AB402001 Analytical Chemistry I
- AB402002 Analytical Chemistry II
- AB402005 Analytical Chemistry: Laboratory I
- AB402006 Analytical Chemistry: Laboratory II
- AB403003 Physical Chemistry I
- AB403004 Physical Chemistry II
- AB409001 Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering I
- AB409002 Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering II
- AB409018 Chemical Engineering Laboratory
- AB413001 Mathematics A
- AB413002 Mathematics B
- AB413003 Applied Statistics
- AB413004 Numerical Methods
- AB413005 Computer Algebra System Maple
- AB444003 Physics I
- AB444005 Physics: Laboratory
- AB444006 Fundamentals of Machinery
- AB444007 Measuring and Control Engineering
- AB445001 Computer Practice
- AB445002 Mathematical Methods in Engineering
- AB445007 Signal Processing
- AM402004 Methods of Structural and Surface Analysis
- AM402014 Molecular Modelling
- AM403030 Structure and Properties of Molecules
- AM409001 Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering III
- AM409002 Technical Thermodynamics
- AM409004 Separation Methods in Biotechnologies
- AM409010 Bioengineering Methods
- AM409013 Mathematical modeling of processes in chemical engineering
- AM409014 Fluid Mechanics
- AM409016 Heat transfer
- AM409023 Processes for energy and specialties
- AM413004 Multivariate data analysis
- AM413010 Numerical algorithms
- AM444006 Measuring Technique
- AM444007 Measurement in Environmental Protection
- AM445002 Digital Signal and Image Processing
- AM445003 Control Theory
- AM445004 Neural Networks